Nursing home abuse is a crime that affects an estimated 10% of all elderly individuals (65 years and older) in the U.S. Many sources believe this to be an underestimation due to the low number of seniors who report abuse. Nursing home abuse is a malicious and intentional misuse of power to harm the elderly residents of a nursing home
Nursing home abuse can cause significant physical injuries, illnesses, infections, emotional injuries, and an overall decline in the victim’s health. It can also lead to wrongful death. If you believe you have a nursing home abuse claim, contact the Henderson nursing home abuse lawyers or Las Vegas wrongful death attorneys at The Janda Law Firm for a free consultation. Call (702) 758-8888 today.
Detecting signs of nursing home abuse is the first step toward protecting your loved one and demanding justice. It is often up to visiting loved ones to recognize the signs of abuse if victims do not or cannot come forward. Learn the types of nursing home abuse and common signs of each.
As soon as you notice a red flag, get your loved one to a safe place and ask him or her about abuse. If you suspect nursing home abuse or neglect, contact our Henderson nursing home abuse lawyers immediately for advice about your legal options. We also serve Reno, Las Vegas, and the surrounding Clark County area. The nursing home may be liable for the misconduct, negligence or crimes of its staff members.
Bringing a nursing home abuse lawsuit in Clark County could hold the establishment legally responsible for your or a loved one’s injuries or damages. A lawsuit can shed light on nursing home abuse in your community in Henderson, pushing for changes on an institutional level to protect the vulnerable elderly in the future. It could also end in compensation to make up for the victim’s economic and non-economic damages.
An insurance settlement or court award for your nursing home abuse lawsuit could include amounts to cover related health care expenses, lost quality of life, physical pain, emotional suffering, legal costs, wrongful death, and more. Discuss your potential case with our Henderson injury lawyers today. Request a meeting online or call (702) 758-8888 24/7 for a free consultation.