How Social Media Can Affect Your Personal Injury Case

October 20, 2023 Personal Injury

In today’s digital age, social media plays a significant role in our daily lives. While these platforms allow us to stay connected and share moments, they can also inadvertently harm legal pursuits, especially personal injury claims.

If you are pursuing a personal injury lawsuit, it is important to be vigilant about what you post online and to consult with a personal injury attorney in Las Vegas about how to handle this situation.

Social Media Can Harm Your Claim for Compensation

When seeking compensation for injuries sustained due to another’s negligence, it’s essential to present a consistent and clear narrative. Insurance companies and defense attorneys often search for inconsistencies that they can leverage against the victim. As such, your digital footprint could unintentionally conflict with your assertions, potentially leading to a reduced settlement or denied claim.

For example, if you upload pictures of yourself engaging in physical activities, it can lead to questions about the severity of your injuries. If you have claimed immobility, checking in at a place such as a gym or sports class can contradict your statements. Similarly, posting about working while alleging lost wages can create discrepancies.

Tips to Stay Safe on Social Media During a Personal Injury Claim

During a personal injury lawsuit, it is important to navigate social media responsibly. Keep these guidelines in mind while posting online:

  • Keep Your Accounts Private: Ensuring your accounts are set to private can limit the exposure of your posts to unfamiliar audiences. This minimizes the risk of your content being misinterpreted or taken out of context.
  • Do Not Accept New Friend Requests: Be cautious of unfamiliar friend or follow requests, as they could be from people seeking information about your claim. Do not accept these new friends unless you are completely certain that you know and trust them in real life.
  • Do Not Post Anything About Your Case: Revealing details or even expressing emotions about your ongoing case can offer insights that might be used against you. To stay safe, avoid making any posts or comments about your case.
  • Be Careful About Commenting on Other Profiles: Your comments on other profiles, even if seemingly unrelated, could be misconstrued. You do not have control over the privacy settings, which can expose your comments to unfamiliar audiences. Exercise caution when commenting to protect your case.
  • Think Before You Post: Always consider the implications of your posts. Could they be taken out of context or used against your claim? If the answer is yes, it is best to leave the post in your drafts.

Can a Court Request Your Social Media Posts?

Courts can consider social media activities as evidence. Not only can your posts and comments be examined, but content shared by friends and family could also come under scrutiny. Even if your profile is private, courts may still access this information.

Altering or deleting content might appear as if you have something to hide, especially if the court requests your social media posts later on. To protect your case, it is recommended to leave your digital history intact.

Consult with a Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyer

Social media posts are not the only evidence that courts consider, but a misstep online can harm your claim. In these situations, a Las Vegas personal injury lawyer can guide you through the complexities and protect your rights.

Contact a personal injury attorney and start building your case today.