What Is Lane Splitting?

April 5, 2023 Motorcycle Accidents

Lane splitting, also known as lane sharing, is the act of riding a motorcycle between lanes of traffic that are moving in the same direction. Lane splitting is a controversial practice, and opinions on its safety vary widely. 

Proponents of lane splitting argue that it can reduce congestion, decrease the risk of rear-end collisions, and increase the overall efficiency of traffic flow. Opponents argue that lane splitting is dangerous, creates confusion for other people on the road, and increases the risk of accidents. 

Is Lane Splitting Dangerous?

Lane splitting can increase the risk of accidents in several ways. For example, motorcyclists who are lane splitting may be harder to see by other drivers, particularly if they are traveling at high speeds or in heavy traffic. Additionally, lane splitting can increase the risk of collisions with other vehicles, particularly if the motorcyclist is traveling at a speed that is too fast for the road conditions.

Is Lane Splitting Legal in Nevada? 

If you ride a motorcycle in Nevada, you should avoid lane splitting as much as possible. Not only can lane splitting lead to serious accidents, but it is also illegal under Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 486.351(2). 

According to this law, it is illegal for motorcyclists or moped riders to pass another vehicle within the same lane. If an accident occurs while a motorcyclist is lane splitting, the motorcyclist may be found to be 100 percent responsible for the collision.

There are circumstances where the other party is responsible for a lane-splitting accident. For example, a driver may be talking on the phone when he or she merges into the next lane and into the path of a passing motorcyclist. In this situation, the driver would likely be at fault because he or she failed to pay attention to the road. 

What Happens If You Are in an Accident While Lane Splitting?

Not only is lane splitting illegal in Nevada, but it can also affect your ability to recover compensation in a motorcycle accident claim. If you are found to be partially or wholly at fault for the accident, you may be barred from recovering damages under Nevada law.

According to Nevada’s comparative fault statute, the court may reduce a motorcycle accident settlement by the percentage of fault that the victim shares. If the victim is more at fault for the collision than the defendant, he or she will not be able to recover any compensation at all.

For example, if you are found to be lane splitting, the court may assign 40% of the fault to you. If you ask for a $100,000 settlement, you will only receive $60,000. If the court finds that you are 55% at fault, you would not be eligible for compensation. 

Speak to a Nevada Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

After any type of motorcycle accident, it is important to speak with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. This is especially crucial if you were lane-splitting at the time of the accident. A motorcycle accident attorney in Henderson can help understand the law, fight against accusations of shared liability, and negotiate with defense attorneys and insurance companies to help you recover the damages you deserve.

As soon as possible following your collision, seek medical attention for any injuries. Then, schedule a free consultation with a motorcycle accident lawyer in Las Vegas, NV to discuss your case and take your first steps toward justice.