What Is Strict Product Liability?

May 31, 2023 Personal Injury

Every time we purchase a product, whether it’s a household appliance, a vehicle, or a toy, we place our trust in the manufacturers. We expect these products to be safe, reliable, and free from any defects that could potentially harm us or our loved ones. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

If a product turns out to be defective and causes harm or injury, the victim has the right to pursue a lawsuit against the manufacturer. This is where the concept of strict liability comes into play. 

The Definition of Strict Liability

Unlike other types of liability, strict liability does not require proof of fault or negligence. Manufacturers, sellers, and distributors can be held responsible for the harm caused by their products, regardless of whether they were aware of the defect. 

However, you still have to meet certain conditions to establish strict liability. First, the product defect in question must fall under a certain category. Next, you will need to supply sufficient evidence to prove three facts, known as elements. 

The Different Types of Product Defects

There are three main categories of product defects:

  • Design Defects: These defects exist from the beginning, even before the product is manufactured. They involve flaws in the product’s design that make it unsafe for use. Examples include a car design that lacks stability, making it prone to rollovers, or a children’s toy with small parts that pose a choking hazard.
  • Manufacturing Defects: Manufacturing defects occur during the production or assembly of the product. They are deviations from the intended design and make the specific product defective. For instance, a batch of food products contaminated with harmful bacteria would be considered a manufacturing defect.
  • Marketing Defects: Marketing defects refer to the way a product is marketed, packaged, or labeled. They include inadequate instructions, insufficient safety warnings, or misleading labeling. An example would be a medication that fails to include proper warnings about potential side effects.

Elements of a Strict Product Liability Lawsuit

To establish a strict product liability lawsuit, you must prove three key elements:

  • The Product Was Defective: You need to demonstrate that the product had a defect in its design, manufacturing, or marketing that made it unreasonably dangerous when used as intended. This can be done by presenting evidence such as expert testimonies, product testing results, or documentation showing the defect.
  • The Product Caused You Injury: You must establish a direct link between the product defect and the injuries or damages suffered. This requires demonstrating that the defect was the cause of the harm, and without it, the injury would not have occurred.
  • You Used the Product as the Manufacturer Intended: You need to show that you were using the product in a reasonably foreseeable manner at the time of the injury. This means using the product as intended or in a way that is reasonably expected by the manufacturer.

Contact a Nevada Product Liability Attorney Today

Proving a strict liability case can be complex and challenging. That’s why it’s crucial to seek legal representation from a Nevada product liability attorney. A Henderson injury lawyer will have the expertise and experience necessary to navigate these intricate laws and establish strict liability.

After your accident, seek medical attention for any injuries. Then, schedule a free legal consultation with an injury attorney in Las Vegas to discuss your legal options.