Common Nevada Car Accident Injuries & How to Avoid Them

May 28, 2021 Car Accidents

Car accidents generate a significant amount of force—leading to very serious injuries that require emergency medical treatment and the need to consult with an experienced Las Vegas injury attorney. Although many of these injuries are unavoidable, there are steps that you can take to reduce their impact during a collision.

Common Nevada Car Accident Injuries & How to Avoid Them


When you are in a car accident, your body can move in directions and at speeds that it is not supposed to. As a result, you can develop a soft tissue injury called whiplash. A whiplash injury causes severe pain, often requiring weeks of recovery. You can minimize your risk of whiplash by taking the following steps.

  • Adjust your head restraint so that the top is level to the top of your ears or your head.
  • Sit upright and always wear your seat belt.
  • If you realize a collision is about to occur, lean your head back on the restraint and look forward. This will help minimize the impact.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

During a collision, you can sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI) after hitting your head on an object or after an object penetrates your skull. A TBI often results in permanent issues with movement, speech, memory, and other functions.

The best way to prevent brain injuries during an accident is to sit upright, wear a seatbelt, and keep your feet flat on the ground. If you sustain any head injury, seek immediate medical attention—by receiving emergency treatment, you can reduce the risk of permanent damage.

Broken Bones

Broken arms, legs, ribs, and other bones are common after a car accident. Depending on the location and severity of the break, you may require weeks of recovery time and specialized mobility equipment. Although broken bones can be difficult to avoid, seatbelts prevent you from being ejected from the vehicle or jerked around unnaturally.

Herniated Discs

Herniated discs are common after an accident, leading to severe back pain, numbness, and weakened muscles. Practicing good posture, wearing a seatbelt, and sitting with your back firmly against your seat can help you avoid a painful back and spinal cord injury.

Cuts and Bruises

Bruising can occur when your body collides with objects inside of your vehicle or if you are thrown from your vehicle. You may sustain cuts due to flying debris, objects, or glass. Cuts and bruises are often difficult to avoid after a collision but wearing a seatbelt and keeping your car free of sharp objects can help reduce your risk of these injuries.

Internal Organ Damage

Our internal organs are very delicate and susceptible to damage during a car accident. A collision’s impact can lead to severe, life-threatening organ damage and internal bleeding. As stated before, wearing your seatbelt properly can help you avoid the risk of internal organ damage. However, you should always seek emergency medical attention after a car accident—internal organ damage symptoms may not appear immediately, and prompt treatment can help you avoid life-threatening complications.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Not all car accident injuries are physical. In some cases, you may develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which causes flashbacks, nightmares, and severe aversion to situations that remind you of the accident. Seeking professional counseling can help reduce the severity of PTSD symptoms and teach the coping skills necessary to handle them.

Contact a Car Accident Attorney

If you are in a collision in Nevada, it is important to speak to a car accident lawyer in Las Vegas as soon as possible. A car accident attorney can help you navigate the insurance claim or lawsuit process, helping you recover the compensation you deserve. Contact the car accident lawyers at The Janda Law Firm as soon as possible to discuss your legal options.